Our values
Our values
We are a value-driven company and is the foundation for making customers, employees and partners feel valuable, creating financial value and conducting our activities with integrity.
We have eight values that define and guide us:
We stick to our business model
We keep high moral standards
We are committed to being debt-free
We encourage a winning culture
We are positive and proactive
We talk with each other, not about each other
The customer is our ultimate boss
We work for fun and profit
Our values describe what we believe is worth striving for. These values are our internal compass, guiding our mindset, emotions and decisions. Clear values are the basis for a strong culture.
Reitan Retail is owned by REITAN AS. Our values have evolved through REITAN’s extensive history and are a natural part of Reitan Retail’s DNA. Our eight values are carved in rocks and obelisks placed at Lade Gaard and several locations in Scandinavia and the Baltics.
We use our philosophy, mindset and our values to build as many winners and jobs as possible where people thrive and are engaged. Value-based leadership is part of our philosophy, and involves building great people who create dynamics through trust.